Friday, 5 September 2014


Welcome to my blog!

Hello and welcome y'all. So how do I start this then..? Well, my name is Habeebah, Biba is my nickname, and I'm 20 years old. I am a Nursing student living in Leicester with a hella big crazy family along with my lazy cat, Minku.

I spend hours and hours reading blogs on fashion, food, travel, art and many other random things which inspired me to start my own (and shout out to Aatika who also pushed me to start blogging). So this will be me sharing all things food, fashion and beauty related including things I love to eat, my favourite places to go, inspiration, tips, thoughts and obviously lots and lots of photos! 

Anyway, I hope y'all get inspired and enjoy reading about what I get up to as much as I love sharing it with you. 

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and don't be shy to say hey and send me pictures of things you may have recreated or ideas of what you want to see on here! 

BibaYusuf xx